Our System
Typically, we use two detection methods, optical and hydroacustic
is a complete solution for 24/7 monitoring of fish migration on rivers, lakes and watercourses, without restricting their freedom of movement or introducing stress factors.
It is easy to installwithout the need for costly structures.
Use of two detection methods allows the system to operate independently of the water clerity.

Safe for the environment

Automatic system
Capable of 24/7 detection

RealTime operation
Real-time operation with application

Information recorded by the system
Number of fish passing in the right and left directions
Aproximate Speed of movement of each fish in both directions
Aproximate Length of passing fish
Approximate height of the passing fish
Water temperature and level
Films and photos of passing fish

Main features of the HSMR system:
Can be installed anywhere without the need for costly structures
No need to restrict the freedom of movement of fish
The hydroacoustic system works autonomously in parallel with the optical camera
High detection rate of small fish
System operation can be not depend on water clarity (acoustic)
Adapted to your location for the best functionality
Easy app for real-time and online management

Service and support
- Technical Support
- Local and fast service
- Possibility to calibrate the system and adjust the system to local environmental conditions
- Assistance in preparing reports
- Data backup